Board adjourns, no negotiations took place
Washington D.C. May 16, 2007 -- The Board of Executive Directors of the World Bank adjourned this evening saying that they were continuing to discuss the report of the ad hoc group and its recommendations, and had not been negotiating an exit deal for Paul Wolfowitz. They will reconvene at 9 am Thursday.
"We spent the entire afternoon discussing the report. We did not talk about exit terms or deals for Wolfowitz," said a Board member who had been present. Wolfowitz was not present at today's board meeting.
"We have a process and we are continuing with that process," said the Board member.
The adjournment was followed by a statement from Robert Bennett, Wolfowitz's lawyer, who said Wolfowitz will not resign under the current "cloud" and would rather push the matter to a vote of the bank's board to clear his name.
"Mr. Wolfowitz will not resign under this cloud and he will rather put this matter to a full vote," Bennett told Reuters.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz will not resign under the current "cloud" and would rather push the matter to a vote of the bank's board to clear his name, his lawyer said on Wednesday.
"Mr. Wolfowitz will not resign under this cloud and he will rather put this matter to a full vote," Wolfowitz's lawyer, Robert Bennett, told Reuters.
So, does that mean he'll be able to catch his flight tonight?
PW and his lawyer still haven't learned the lesson from the report --- the public statements from his lawyer are taken to be no different as if he spoke it.
This statement in effect, says, "Paulson and the White House will not be able to ask him to resign".
Well, the stage is then set for a vote.
The problem with a vote is.... what if the vote is unanimous in favor of terminating his contract?
Once again, PW and Bennett have decided to go for "all or nothing".
Nothing is going to be the result.
The alternative to resigning under a cloud is to be terminated in bright sunlight for cause.
Lots of naysayers, we should applaude Mr.Wolfowitz that at his age he is still sexually active. A big BRAVO for him.
The Slovenia leg of PW's trip was canceled. (Go to and do a search combining his name with Slovenia.) So he won't be flying anywhere tonight.
As far as I know, he's still planning to go to the G8 meeting this weekend (unless he is fired first, or unless he actually pays attention to the dis-invite he got from Germany), and also was planning to give a speech on Africa in Berlin on Monday/Tuesday next week. Unless, of course, that gets canceled too.
The diplomatic language for expelling someone from a country (or not allowing them to enter) is, "you are not [or no longer] welcome.
That was the language used when DeGaulle visited Canada and uttered the phrase, "vive le Quebec libre".
He was informed shortly afterwards that he is no longer welcome, and he left the country.
If PW shows up in Germany, there is a high probability he would be denied entry to the EU OR to the conference site.
Let him go... to see how low he has fallen.
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